AfCAA Standards

We have developed seven Biblical standards of stewardship and accountability that enable organizations to ensure accountability in the mobilization and utilization of the resources they require to fulfil their mission.

The essence of the seven Biblical standards is to secure commitment to enhancing and sustaining accountability in all areas of life – in this generation – with a view to ensuring that the standards are passed on to the next generation. 

These seven Biblical standards listed below, cover a range of social, economic and spiritual concerns impacting 21st Century life in Africa.

Standard number 1

Every member of AfCAA shall operate in accordance to biblical truths and practices, and subscribe to a written statement of faith clearly affirming a commitment to the evangelical Christian faith.

Standard number 2

Every member of AfCAA shall be governed by a responsible, accountable Board of not less than five individuals, the majority of whom shall be independent.

Standard number 3

Every member organization of AfCAA shall seek to attract talented, honest and committed persons into its workforce using fair, transparent and equitable processes.

Standard number 4

Every member of AfCAA shall promote a learning environment where critical thinking and dialogue are encouraged and celebrated.

Standard number 5

Every member of AfCAA shall foster a culture of acceptance, unity, love and compassion where individuals are not discriminated against because of their gender, origin, age, disability, ethnicity or race.

Standard number 6

Every member shall design and implement the internal controls necessary to provide reasonable assurance that all the organization’s resources are acquired and used in a trustworthy manner in furtherance of the organization’s vision and mission, and in conformity with all applicable laws.

Standard number 7

Every member of AfCAA shall be in compliance with applicable charitable solicitation laws, government registration requirements, securities regulations and other statutory provisions.

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