AfCAA Board Chair receives ELNET Mark of Ethics Award

AfCAA Board Chair Mrs. Valentine Gitoho has been awarded the ELNET Mark of Ethics Award by the Ethical Leaders Network (ELNET). The award is based on a rigorous ethical assessment of individual leaders or businesses. For businesses, the assessment covers all aspects of the business including staff, board, competitors, and suppliers. On the other hand, for the leaders, the scope includes their family, friends/associates, key accounts, organizational leaders, and staff since such leaders are responsible for creating an ethical environment at the workplace through their values and practices.

The ELNET Mark of Ethics Award is intended to transform the business culture in Kenya by entrenching ethical practices and by recognising exemplary leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to ethical practices in the marketplace. The recognition of ethically sound leadership also serves to multiply leaders of integrity who influence others and the society to uphold integrity in their lives, work and business.

‘’I am both delighted and humbled by this recognition. It reminds me of the determination to constantly walk the talk of integrity and accountability. I will use this opportunity to encourage others especially Christian professionals to live up to the calling of Christ to be salt and light of the world’’, Valentine said. She added that her award gives credence to the work of AfCAA in promoting Biblical Standards of accountability and stewardship in the body of Christ in Africa.

Valentine was recently awarded the Integrity Award by the Christian Economic Forum for her commitment to integrity both in her personal and professional life, and for her work in enhancing accountability in the body of Christ in Africa through AfCAA.

Valentine sits on boards of various organization including Beacon of Hope and Trans World Radio- Kenya which have been accredited by AfCAA.

AfCAA promotes stewardship and accountability through raising awareness on the biblical standards, conducting advocacy around relevant issues affecting the church in Africa and offering accreditation based on the Seven Biblical Standards.

AfCAA’s Seven Biblical Standards are Doctrinal Foundation; Leadership and Governance; Learning and Innovation; Talent Management; Cultural Differences, Acceptance and Interdependence; and Resource Mobilization. For more information, visit 

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